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Friday 2 February 2018

महिलाहरु छालासम्बन्धी कुनै समस्या भएमा निकै दुःखी र चिन्तित हुन्छन् । महिलालाई प्रकृतिले नै सुन्दरता प्रदान गरेको हुन्छ । महिलामा सुन्दरता पनि जोडिएको हुन्छ ।
केही कारण सुन्दरतामा गडबडी आएमा महिलामा ठूलो चिन्तापर्न जान्छ । यस्तै, सुन्दरता बिगार्ने एउटा रोग डण्डीफोर पनि हो । यो रोग यौवन अवस्थामा आउने समस्या हो । कहिलेकाही ३५–४० वर्षको उमेरमा पनि आउँछ ।
यो छालाको समस्या हो । यो धेरै खतरा नभएपनि यसले दाग छाडेर जाने भएकाले अनुहार बिगार्न सक्छ । डण्डीफोर आउनमा सेवासियस नामक ग्रन्थीको भूमिका हुन्छ । यसलाई आयल ग्रन्थी पनि भनिन्छ । यो ग्रन्थी उमेर बढ्दै जाँदा ११ वर्षदेखि नै विकसित हुन्छ । यो रौंको साथमा रहन्छ । यसको फङसनल एक्सन एडर्नल ग्ल्याण्ड्सको मेल हर्मोनले बढाउँछ ।
यो महिला तथा पुरुष दुवैमा हुन्छ । मान्छेको छालमा साना प्वाल हुन्छन् । यिनीहरुको आयल ग्रन्थीसंग  सम्बन्ध हुन्छ । यही ग्रन्थीले सेवम् भन्ने चिल्लो पदार्थ निकाल्छ , सेवम्ले नै छालामा मरेका कोषहरु हुँदैं छालाबाट बाहिर निकाल्छ र छाला सफा राख्छ । यहाँबाट मसिनो रौं पनि बाहिर आएको हुन्छ ।
कहिलेकाँही फोहोर वा चिल्लो,  मरेका कोषहरु बाहिर निक्लने बाटो बन्द भयो भने डण्डीफोर देखिन सुरु हुन्छ । स्कीनडेड सेल्स, सेबम् र रौं एकै ठाउँमा जम्मा हुन्छन्  । यसरी यिनीहरुको संक्रमित हुन्छन् । कारणवस यिनीहरु सुनिन थाल्छन्, राता हुन्छन् र फुट्छन् ।
डण्डीफोर विभिन्न प्रकारका हुन्छन्
ह्वाइहेड्स– सेता, मसिना राता देखिने
ब्ल्याकहेड्स– काला दाना देखिने
सिस्ट– मासुको डल्लोजस्तो ठूला
नोवुल्स– दुख्ने,सा¥हो खालका
पुस्टुल्स– राता साना माथिपट्टि पिप देखिने
डण्डीफोरको उपचार
शरीरमा, अनुहारमा वा शरीरका विभिन्न ठाउँमा डण्डीफोर आउने गर्छ । डण्डीफोर आउने कारण थाहा पाइसकेपछि उपचारका लागि सजिलो हुन्छ । १२, १३ वर्षदेखि ३०, ३५ वर्षसम्म उमेरमा कुनै पनि बेला धेरै किसिमका डण्डीफोर आउने गर्छ । यो उमेरका वृद्धिसंगै हर्मोन एडर्नल ग्ल्याण्ड्समा हुने हर्मोनका कारण आयल ग्ल्याण्ड्स लाई स्टीमुलेट गरेपछि यस्तो परिवर्तन आउँछ । यसलाई विभिन्न उपायबाट कम गराउँन सकिन्छ ।
चिल्लो कम खाने, पानी प्रशस्त पिउने, शारीरिक व्यायाम पसिना आउने गरी गर्ने, हरियो सागपात, फलफूल कम खाने, नियमित नुहाउने, व्यक्तिगत  सरसफाईमा ध्यान दिने, बढी अमिलो पिरो नखाने, अनिद्रा नबस्ने । यौनजन्य पुस्तक, चलचित्र तथा अन्य क्रियाकलापमा धेरै सहभागी नहुने, मानसिक बेचैनी नरहने ।
डण्डीफोर नआउने बनाउन सकिदैंन,  तर, कम गराउँन सकिन्छ । नआउने बनाउनु पनि हुँदैंन , शरीरमा अन्य असर पर्छ । होमियोप्याथिक आयुर्वेदक औषधि तथा प्राकृतिक उपचारबाट पनि राम्रो हुन्छ
महिलाहरु छालासम्बन्धी कुनै समस्या भएमा निकै दुःखी र चिन्तित हुन्छन् । महिलालाई प्रकृतिले नै सुन्दरता प्रदान गरेको हुन्छ । महिलामा सुन्दरता पनि जोडिएको हुन्छ ।
केही कारण सुन्दरतामा गडबडी आएमा महिलामा ठूलो चिन्तापर्न जान्छ । यस्तै, सुन्दरता बिगार्ने एउटा रोग डण्डीफोर पनि हो । यो रोग यौवन अवस्थामा आउने समस्या हो । कहिलेकाही ३५–४० वर्षको उमेरमा पनि आउँछ ।
यो छालाको समस्या हो । यो धेरै खतरा नभएपनि यसले दाग छाडेर जाने भएकाले अनुहार बिगार्न सक्छ । डण्डीफोर आउनमा सेवासियस नामक ग्रन्थीको भूमिका हुन्छ । यसलाई आयल ग्रन्थी पनि भनिन्छ । यो ग्रन्थी उमेर बढ्दै जाँदा ११ वर्षदेखि नै विकसित हुन्छ । यो रौंको साथमा रहन्छ । यसको फङसनल एक्सन एडर्नल ग्ल्याण्ड्सको मेल हर्मोनले बढाउँछ ।
यो महिला तथा पुरुष दुवैमा हुन्छ । मान्छेको छालमा साना प्वाल हुन्छन् । यिनीहरुको आयल ग्रन्थीसंग  सम्बन्ध हुन्छ । यही ग्रन्थीले सेवम् भन्ने चिल्लो पदार्थ निकाल्छ , सेवम्ले नै छालामा मरेका कोषहरु हुँदैं छालाबाट बाहिर निकाल्छ र छाला सफा राख्छ । यहाँबाट मसिनो रौं पनि बाहिर आएको हुन्छ ।
कहिलेकाँही फोहोर वा चिल्लो,  मरेका कोषहरु बाहिर निक्लने बाटो बन्द भयो भने डण्डीफोर देखिन सुरु हुन्छ । स्कीनडेड सेल्स, सेबम् र रौं एकै ठाउँमा जम्मा हुन्छन्  । यसरी यिनीहरुको संक्रमित हुन्छन् । कारणवस यिनीहरु सुनिन थाल्छन्, राता हुन्छन् र फुट्छन् ।
डण्डीफोर विभिन्न प्रकारका हुन्छन्
ह्वाइहेड्स– सेता, मसिना राता देखिने
ब्ल्याकहेड्स– काला दाना देखिने
सिस्ट– मासुको डल्लोजस्तो ठूला
नोवुल्स– दुख्ने,सा¥हो खालका
पुस्टुल्स– राता साना माथिपट्टि पिप देखिने
डण्डीफोरको उपचार
शरीरमा, अनुहारमा वा शरीरका विभिन्न ठाउँमा डण्डीफोर आउने गर्छ । डण्डीफोर आउने कारण थाहा पाइसकेपछि उपचारका लागि सजिलो हुन्छ । १२, १३ वर्षदेखि ३०, ३५ वर्षसम्म उमेरमा कुनै पनि बेला धेरै किसिमका डण्डीफोर आउने गर्छ । यो उमेरका वृद्धिसंगै हर्मोन एडर्नल ग्ल्याण्ड्समा हुने हर्मोनका कारण आयल ग्ल्याण्ड्स लाई स्टीमुलेट गरेपछि यस्तो परिवर्तन आउँछ । यसलाई विभिन्न उपायबाट कम गराउँन सकिन्छ ।
चिल्लो कम खाने, पानी प्रशस्त पिउने, शारीरिक व्यायाम पसिना आउने गरी गर्ने, हरियो सागपात, फलफूल कम खाने, नियमित नुहाउने, व्यक्तिगत  सरसफाईमा ध्यान दिने, बढी अमिलो पिरो नखाने, अनिद्रा नबस्ने । यौनजन्य पुस्तक, चलचित्र तथा अन्य क्रियाकलापमा धेरै सहभागी नहुने, मानसिक बेचैनी नरहने ।
डण्डीफोर नआउने बनाउन सकिदैंन,  तर, कम गराउँन सकिन्छ । नआउने बनाउनु पनि हुँदैंन , शरीरमा अन्य असर पर्छ । होमियोप्याथिक आयुर्वेदक औषधि तथा प्राकृतिक उपचारबाट पनि राम्रो हुन्छ

Thursday 1 February 2018

Husband wife jokes

श्रीमानः म मरे भने के तिमी दोस्रो विहे गर्छौ ?
श्रीमतीः छि..के भन्नु भको त्यस्तो ?? म त मेरो बहिनी सित बस्छु ।

अनि हजुर ? श्रीमानः म पनि तिम्रै बहिनी सित बस्छु ।

Girlfriend Boyfriend best nepali jokes
जब तिम्रो बिहे हुन्छ

गर्लफ्रेन्ड र boyfriend एक सुनसान ठाउमा बसीरहेका थिए
Boyfriend ले Girlfriend लाई touch गर्न खोज्यो ।
Girlfriend: don't touch me. touch गर्ने भए बिहे पछि मात्रै .
Boyfriend: ओके त्यसो भए मलाई कल गर जब तिम्रो बिहे हुन्छ ।

Noughty girl…?

Boy: Aaj Godabari Park tir jaau hai…
Girl: Bho..janna…Timi le je payo tehi ta gardai nau ni ?
Boy: Promise kehi gardina k !!!
Girl: Bho…tyaso bhaye kina janu paryo ta..!!

एकचोटी किस गरम

काले आफ्नो मायालु काली सित पार्कमा माया पिरतीका कुरा गर्दै बसिराको थियो । यस्तैमा अर्का एक जोडी मायालुहरु उनीहरुभन्दा केही अगाडी आई बस्न थाले र अधरपान(Kiss) गर्न थाले । 
यो देखेर काले लजाउदैँ: तिमी रिसाउदैनौँ भने मैले पनि एकचोटी किस गरम ?? 
कालीः हुन्छ गर तर त्यसको BoyFriend रिसाउला नि फेरी ।

Kale and gore best nepali jokes

भैसीँलाई थकाइ लाग्दा काले घाइते.कालेले दुध दुधैँ गर्दा भैँसीलाई थकाइ लगारे कालेमाथि नै थचक्कै बस्देछ 

kukhuri ra aanda ma ko first

गोरेः  ल भन त काले ...अण्डा र कुखुरी मध्ये को पहिला यो धर्तीमा को आयो होला ?

कालेः कुखुरी नि...!! गोरेः कसरी ?? कालेः पहिला कुखुरी नआएको भए अण्डा माथि त भगवान नै बस्नुप्रथ्यो नि

Blood Test and Urine Test 

काले र गोरे हस्पिटलमा रुदै बसेको देखेर अचम्म मान्दै च्यान्टे : ओए ...गोरे किन रोको यार त...?
 गोरे : Blood Test गर्न भनेर मेरो औला नै काटी दियो यार ..!!
च्यान्टे : अनि काले त किन रुइरको ...
काले : मेरो त Urine Test गर्न पर्छ रे ...उ हु उ हु 

(1) Ekadesh ma euta Bhoot thiyo usle sadhai kattu ma Moot thiyo.

(2) हाम्रो मित्रता कुनै रुघा खोकी जस्तो होइनयो त HIV/AIDS जस्तो हो एकचोटी गाँसेपछि जीवन भर छोड्ने छैन ।

(3) श्रीमान श्रीमती एक सिक्काका दुई पाटो हुन , त्यसैले उनीहरु एक अर्कालाई हेर्न नचाहदा नचाहदैँ पनि जीवनभर साथै रहन्छन ।

(4) Euta Bhoot le Arko Bhoot lai sodhe6 : K timi man6e ma bishwash garda6au ??

(5) काले Campus admission को फर्म भर्न बुटवलबाट राजधानी काठमाडौँ पुगेछ किनकी Formमा Please fill all information in Capital भनी लेखीएको थियो ।

Teacher and student joke in nepali unicode
 थप कपी
कक्षामा शिक्षकले एक दिन विद्यार्थीहरुलाई एउटा पेज दिएर आफ्नो प्रेमीप्रेमिकाको नाम लेख्न लगाएछन ..
एउटा छात्र बाहेक सबैले दुई सेकेण्डमा नै नाम लेखेर सरलाई बुझाएछन् ..
दश मिनेटपछि त्यो छात्राले उठेर : सर...! थप कपी...दिनुहोश न 

एकदम मिठो थियो
शिक्षक : चोरिको फल एकदम नराम्रो हुन्छ त्यसैले कहिले पनि चोरी नगर्नु
रामले बिचमै उठेर भन्यो तर सर हिजो मैले एउटा स्याउ चोरेर खाएको थिए त्यो त एकदम मिठो थियो त ।
 प्रश्न पनि त एउटै थियो
शिक्षक: तिम्रो त राजुको उत्तर त एउटै जस्तो छ नि किन ?
राजु: किनकी प्रश्न पनि त एउटै थियो नि त .....

kale n gore short nepali jokes
कसरी अडिन्छ पानी

1. गिलास उल्टो समात्दै कालेः होइन यो गिलास को मुर्खले बनाको यसमा पानी कसरी राख्ने हो अनि जसो तसो राखीहाल्यो भने पनि तलतिर खुल्लै छ,कसरी अडिन्छ पानी ।

म किन भाग्ने

2. काले र गोर बनमा घुम्न जादाँ एक्कासि अगाडि चितुवा आयो । चितुवालाई देखेर गोरेले एक मुठ्ठी माटो हातमा लिएर चितुवाको आखाँमा फ्याक्छ अनि कालेको हात समातेर भाग काले भाग काले भन्छ तर कालेः म किन भाग्ने चितुवाको आखाँमा माटो त तैँले फालेको हो नि ।

पस्न दे
3.कालेले पुलिसको जागिर पाएछ अनि यस्तैमा एकदिन राती उसकै घरमा चोर आएछन् । कालेको श्रीमती आत्तिदै..ए हजुर उठ्नु न । घरमा चोर पस्यो । कालेः पस्न दे । म अहिले डिउटीमा छैन ।

Pasale ra custmor funny jokes
किराना पसल मा गई गाह्रक: हजुर यहाँ के के पाइन्छ होला ??
पसले आफ्नै धुनमा हुन्छ....
गाह्रक:(पसलेले न सुनेपछि।।अलि ठुलो ठुलो स्वरमा...) हजुर यहाँ के के पाइन्छ होला ??
पसले ..झर्कदै: सबैथोक पाइन्छ के चाहियो..
गाह्रक: उसो भए रेखा थापाको नम्बर दिनुन ।  

School And Teacher 

स्कुलको एउटा बिल्डिङग मा आगो लागेछ ।
स्कुलको सबै बच्चा टाढा बाट हेर्दै ल अब स्कुल आउनु परेन” भन्दै खुशी भईरहेका थिए
तर त्यही बच्चाहरुको भिडमा एउटा बच्चा उदास थियो त्यो देखेर एउटा
टिचरले  सोधेछ :- बाबु तिमी किन उदास छौ अरु सबै त खुशी भईराखेका  छन  त ! ?
बिथार्थी  :बिल्डिङग मा आगो लागेर के गर्नु सर तपाईं त जिउदै हुनुहुन्छ नि !!

खोइ त मेरो किस

कालेलाई ठुलै lottery परेछ अनि एउटा कपडा पसल खोल्यो ।

यस्तैमा एकदिन गोरेको बुढी कपडा किन्न कालेको दोकानमा गइछ । एउटा रातो साडीतिर देखाउदैँ: त्यो रातो साडीलाई कति हो ?

काले जिस्कदैः एक किस ।
गोरीले एकछिन सोचेपछिः ठिक छ प्याक गरिदिनुहोस ।
कालेले खुसी हुदैँ प्याक गरिदिन्छ अनिः खोइ त मेरो किस ।
गोरीः म घर गएर सासुलाई पठाइदिन्छु है...भन्दै दोकानबाट जान्छे ।

साथी हजुरहरुसँग भएका रमाइला नेपाली जोक्सहरु तल दिइएको कमेन्ट बक्स प्रयोग गरी शेयर गर्नुहोला .
The richest people in the world have a staggering amount of wealth — comparable to the GDP of small countries for some. Many of the world’s richest, like Microsoftfounder Bill Gates or Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg are self-made and took an idea that they turned into a billion-dollar fortune. For others, like the Koch brothers of Koch Industries, their businesses were inherited, but their control of the company led to overwhelming amounts of wealth.
Many billionaires donate a large percentage of their money to charity. In fact, several of the world’s richest have made “The Giving Pledge,” which means they have vowed to give away at least half of their wealth to charity.
There are more than 2,000 billionaires in the world, Forbes reported, and that number is only expected to grow. Based on recent estimates from Forbes, the world’s richest people range from tech CEOs to heiresses to expert investors. Read on to find out how and why these people got so rich.

Who is the richest man in the world?

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos surpassed Bill Gates in July to become not only the world’s richest man, but the richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of $90.6 billion.
This has been a big year for Amazon, and in turn Bezos, which bought Whole Foods on June 16, 2017, and also had a record-breaking Amazon Prime Day.
Bezos, who bought The Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million, owns about 17% of, which is part of what buoyed him to the world’s richest man. Amazon’s stocks surged ahead of the online retail giant’s quarterly earnings report, adding at least $1 billion to Bezo’s overall net worth.

Who is the richest woman in the world?

Following the death of French heiress Liliane Bettencourt of L’Oréal fortune earlier this year, two women are now considered as the richest women in the world. One is Walmartheiress Alice Walton, who has a net worth of about $44 billion in November, according to Forbes. And the other is Bettencourt’s daughter Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, the 64-year-old heiress who now has a net worth of $42 billion, according to Bloomberg.
Walton is the only daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton. The heiress has not been heavily involved in the family business, but is an active art patron who opened the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Ark., in 2011.
Though she rarely gives interviews or appears in front of the media, Bettencourt’s daughter is known as an academic and an avid pianist according to Bloomberg.
Bettencourt passed away at age 94 in September 2017 at a time when she was worth about $39.5 billion, according to Forbes. She was among the top 20 richest people in the world overall, according to Forbes. Her father, Eugene Schueller, founded the iconic cosmetics company L’Oréal in 1907, and Bettencourt owned a third of the makeup brand with her children.

List of the 10 Richest People in the World

1. Jeff Bezos

Responsible for the growth of online shopping and e-commerce, Jeff Bezos made his fortune by founding The 53-year-old CEO of Amazon, launched the retail giant in 1994 after leaving his New York hedge fund job. Initially an online book retailer operated out of Bezos’s garage in Seattle, grew to become the world’s largest online shopping retailer, now worth over $430 billion, according to CNBC.
Bezos also owns a private space company Blue Origin and purchased The Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million. Amazon bought the upscale grocery chain Whole Foodsin June for an estimated $13.7 billion.
Bezos’s parents, Jackie and Mike Bezos, operate the Bezos Family Foundation, which supports youth education.

Industry: Technology

Net worth: $90.6 billion

2. Bill Gates

Born in Seattle, Gates used his first computer in 1967 while a kid in school. And about a decade later, he and his childhood friend Paul Allen, who also developed an interest in computers at their school, co-founded Microsoft together in 1975.
He was Microsoft’s CEO until 2000, and was the company’s chairman and largest shareholder until 2014. Gates is still a member of the board and serves as a technology adviser for the company.
Gates and his wife, Melinda, co-chair the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is the world’s largest private charity. The foundation, launched in 1999, focuses on ending infectious diseases around the world, including HIV and malaria.
Outside of Microsoft, Gates is a public figure who, along with Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg, founded “The Giving Pledge” to encourage other billionaires to donate a hefty amount of their wealth to charity. His charitable foundation focuses on health and development issues across the world.
An influential figure, the 61-year-old also releases a list of his favorite books each year.

Industry: Technology

Net worth: $90 billion

3. Amancio Ortega

Amancio Ortega is a Spanish self-made billionaire best known for founding Inditex fashion group, which includes Zara clothing stores. The richest man in Europe, Ortega co-founded Inditex in 1975 with his ex-wife Rosalia Mera, who passed away in 2013.
Ortega, 81, is also the wealthiest retailer in the world and owns 59% of Inditex, which operates 7,000 stores worldwide. He stepped down as chairman of the company in 2011.
His approach to his company’s success can be attributed to two factors: speed and customers. Oretga’s “fast fashion” philosophy included refreshing the stock at Zara stores twice a week, CNBC reported. And instead of focusing on what’s in at fashion shows, the company follows bloggers and customers for what they’re wearing to inform what is sold, Fortune reported.
Unlike other billionaires, Ortega has stayed out of the public eye. In fact, no photograph of him was ever published until 1999.

Industry: Retail

Net worth: $83.2 billion

4. Warren Buffett

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett is an iconic figure and investment genius who bought his first stock when he was just 11 years old and filed his first taxes at age 13. Nicknamed the Oracle of Omaha, Buffett owns more than 60 companies.
One of the world’s best investors, Warren is also known for his cheap spending habits. In the recently released HBO documentary Becoming Warren Buffett, the 86-year-old billionaire said he typically pays under $4 for breakfast from McDonald’s each morning.
Like his peers, Buffett is a philanthropist and has vowed to give away 99% of his wealth.

Industry: Finance and investments

Net worth: $74.3 billion

5. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg was only a sophomore at Harvard University when he created the first version of Facebook in 2004. The social media powerhouse, which first began on college campuses, now has more than 1.2 billion users and dozens of offices located around the world. The company is now worth $400 billion.
Zuckerberg, the youngest of the world’s top billionaires at 33, is the chairman and CEO of Facebook in addition to being its co-founder. The 2011 award-winning film The Social Network was based off of Zuckerberg’s founding of Facebook while in school, and the subsequent drama that came as a result.
Like other billionaires, Zuckerberg is a philanthropist who has donated millions to charitable causes. He and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have pledged to donate 99% of their wealth through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Industry: Technology

Net worth: $72.2 billion

5. Carlos Slim Helu

Mexican business tycoon Carlos Slim Helú is the richest person in Mexico, and owns more than 200 companies in industries ranging from banking to retail to telecommunications. The 81-year-old owns America Movil, the largest mobile phone company in Latin America, as well as the Grupo Carso conglomerate company, which includes a host of retailers and restaurants, among other companies.
Slim’s father immigrated to Mexico from Lebanon with his family before Slim was born and had several successful retail and real estate businesses, Business Insider reported. Slim inherited the businesses after his father’s death in 1953, and founded his his first company, insurance company Inversora Bursatil, after he graduated from college in the early 1960s.
His influence extends outside of Mexico as well. He now owns 17% of the New York Times — the largest individual shareholder of The Grey Lady.
Slim is a philanthropist, but has criticized other billionaires for giving their money to charity. Instead, Slim has said company leaders need to “create companies” rather than “give away companies.”

Industry: Telecommunications, banking, retail

Net worth: $69.7 billion

Walk and Make fit your Body- Avoid Doctors

There are few person who might have not visited Doctor's clinic. Those personalities should be saluted.

Now days. Lifestyle is a Race......... Everybody participates in that. But some of them are clever. Who are those?

Here I will give you some tips to become clever by making fit your body.

Walk! Walk!!  and Walk!!! Yes, walking is most important factor to fit your body.
Why should you walk?
To maintain Blood Pressure and weight. It also controls Sugar and Urine problems. Mainly these are the bsic factors of major problems in the human body. You may say them 'root of ill'. 

When should I walk?

0600AM is the test time for walking. But if you could not sphare time in the morning then you may walk in the night also but after 45 minutes from Dinner time.

How should I walk?

If you sweat yourself then you think, your walking quota for today is full. Brace-up your chest and walk fast, moving your both hands up and down. One another factor for walking is speed. You should walk at least 90-100 steps per minute.
Be careful! Speed must be maintained. Reducing or Increasing your walking speed, will not solve your purpose.
Do not take Tea or Drink. Tea and Drink is not allowed before walking. Half galss of water is enough but if you take water after walking that  would be better for your health. You may take Tea/Coffee after 30 minutes only. Meanwhile your body temperature will go down.

Where should I walk?

Please, Do not walk on the road. It 's dangerous. Even Do not follow Raiway track. Go to garden or field for walking.
Clothing is an issue........... Yes, One should use loose cloths. Please Do not use Jeans or tight fitting cloths.
Can I walk in naked leg. Yes, You can walk in naked leg but before that you must ensure that Area is much clean.
Walk everyday and avoid Doctors
Investors are always told to diversify their portfolios between stocks and bonds, but what’s the difference between the two types of investments? Here, we look at the difference between stocks and bonds on the most fundamental level.

Stocks Are Ownership Stakes, Bonds are Debt

Stocks and bonds represent two different ways for an entity to raise money to fund or expand their operations. When a company issues stock, it is selling a piece of itself in exchange for cash.
When an entity issues a bond, it is issuing debt with the agreement to pay interest for the use of the money.
Stocks are simply shares of individual companies. Here’s how it works: say a company has made it through its start-up phase and has become successful. The owners wish to expand, but they are unable to do so solely through the income they earn through their operations. As a result, they can turn to the financial markets for additional financing. One way to do this is to split the company up into “shares,” and then sell a portion of these shares on the open market in a process known as an “initial public offering,” or IPO. A person who buys Stock, is therefore buying an actual share of the company, which makes him or her a part owner – however small. This is why Stock is also referred to as “equity.”
Bonds, on the other hand, represent debt. A government, corporation, or other entity that needs to raise cash borrows money in the public market and subsequently pays interest on that loan to investors.
Each bond has a certain par value (say, $1000) and pays a coupon to investors. For instance, a $1000 bond with a 4% coupon would pay $20 to the investor twice a year ($40 annually) until it matures. Upon maturity, the investor is returned the full amount of his or her original principal except for the rare occasion when a bond defaults (i.e., the issuer is unable to make the payment).

The Difference Between Stocks and Bonds for Investors

Since each share of stock represents an ownership stake in a company – meaning the owner shares in the profits and losses of the company - someone who invests in the stock can benefit if the company performs very well and its value increases over time. At the same time, he or she runs the risk that the company could perform poorly and the stock could go down – or, in the worst-case scenario (bankruptcy) – disappear altogether.
Individual stocks and the overall stock market tend to be on the riskier end of the investment spectrum in terms of their volatility and the risk that the investor could lose money in the short term. However, they also tend to provide superior long-term returns. Stocks are therefore favored by those with a long-term investment horizon and a tolerance for short-term risk.
Bonds lack the powerful long-term return potential of stocks, but they are preferred by investors for whom income is a priority. Also, bonds are less risky than stocks. While their prices fluctuate in the market – sometimes quite substantially in the case of higher-risk market segments - the vast majority of bonds tend to pay back the full amount of principal at maturity, and there is much less risk of loss than there is with stocks.

Which Is Right for You?

Many people invest in both stocks and bonds in order to diversify. Deciding on the appropriate mix of stocks and bonds in your portfolio is a function of your time horizon, tolerance for risk, and investment objectives.